This app is design to help students and professors connect better with art related materials It contains information from 8000 B.C to current day art. It allows the user to filter various artist, era and movenments that allows ease for searching for content. Some key features are using notes and lists that can be shared with others using the app. Allowing people to send study sheets, homework assignments and extra notes for any work.
Art History Collection app is design around mulitple art related artifacts and an array of books, articles, and lectures. The use of a dark and flat design help sets an erie, atmospheric theme that enhances the look and feel of the art work.
The overall idea behine this app is to allow students and teachers to easily share infomation using a simple an compatible app.
The artitecture is built around searching, timeline and style of work (era). With this app you can also filter by many other features such as list, notes, and artist.
Some of the features in this app are like and share, which user can up-vote art works to be studied and discussed about. However the biggest feature is the "list" component, that allow user to form an asortment of different art works and notes. This list can be sent to other users for edits, discussions, or study sheets.
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